
Dental implantation

A dental implant is the artificial root of the tooth. During implantation, the implant is screwed into the jaw. It replaces the root of the missing natural tooth. When the implant is attached, an artificial tooth, called a dental crown, is screwed on it.


Loss of tooth implants allows us to restore the root of the tooth and perform prosthetics, without damaging the adjacent teeth. The prosthesis restores the 80% of the chewing function. This means that the patient can completely chew soft and hard food, but must avoid very solid foods, such as fried bread and nuts.

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Dantų implantavimo procedūra susideda iš šių pagrindinių etapų:

Konsultacija, gydymo plano sudarymas

Schedule a consultation to discuss the procedure, evaluate your dental health, and create a treatment plan.

Implantacija, laikinas protezavimas

Undergo necessary medical and dental evaluations, including X-rays and scans, and inform your dentist about any medications you are taking.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Kontrolė

Follow specific instructions from your dentist, such as fasting before surgery and quitting smoking if applicable.

Nuolatinių vainikėlių protezavimas ant implantų

Arrange transportation for after the procedure, and prepare your home with soft foods, ice packs, and prescribed medications for a smooth recovery.

Nobel Biocare implantai

Dirbame tik su aukščiausios kokybės Nobel Biocare dantų implantais. Nobel Biocare Holding AG – dantų implantavimo pradininkė, pasaulio implantavimo ir estetinės odontologijos rinkos lyderė. Kompanijos patirtis implantavimo srityje siekia beveik 50 metų. Jos pagamintais implantais šiandien džiaugiasi ir juos sėkmingai nešioja daugiau nei milijonas žmonių visame pasaulyje. Nobel Biocare savo gaminamiems dantų implantams suteikia viso gyvenimo garantiją.

Kuo dantų implantai pranašesni už išimamus dantų protezus?

Implantai atkuria kramtymo funkciją, apsaugo nuo tolimesnio žandikaulio nykimo, sukuria natūralių dantų pojūtį burnoje. Skirtingai, nei nešiojant išimamus dantų protezus, su implantais praktiškai nejaučiamas joks diskomfortas. Protezus reikia išimti, specialiai prižiūrėti, su jais sunku kramtyti. Protezai visuomet primins, kad tai – ne savi dantys. Kartais toks faktas pacientui nemalonus ir sunkus psichologiškai. Juolab, kad net pažangiausi protezai neatrodys, kaip tikri dantys. Tuo metu implantuoti dantys tiek kitiems žiūrint, tiek pacientui nesiskiria nuo sveikų. Su implantuotais dantimis kramtymas patogus, o priežiūra – tokia pati kaip nuosavų dantų.

Implantų privalumai:

Ilgalaikis efektyvus sprendimas

Atkuriama kramtymo funkcija

Patikimas ir patogus sprendimas.

Apsaugo nuo funkcinių ir fizinių pakitimų.

Leidžia išsaugoti kitus sveikus dantis.

Dental implantation methods:

Immediate implantation

The clinic uses advanced implants that restore teeth in just one day. The implant is screwed into the root of the tooth that has just been removed and a temporary tooth is immediately attached. The appearance of a temporary tooth is no different from the natural tooth. However, after immediate implantation, your chewing functions will remain limited until an implant fully heals up, but you will instantly enjoy your new, beautiful smile, and comfortable chewing function will soon follow.


The unique All-on-4 treatment is designed for people who have lost most or all of their teeth. With this technique, only 4 implants are used instead of 6-8 for complete restoration of teeth for one jaw. This implantation technique takes care of your oral health and helps avoid complicated bone augmentation procedures.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Zygoma

Zygoma implants are quite different from conventional dental implants in that they anchor into the cheekbones, instead of your upper jaw. They may be used when maxillary bone quality or quantity is inadequate for the placement of regular dental implants. Zygoma implants are very durable and reliable. Attachment of an implant to the zygomatic bone securely holds teeth crowns in place.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Zirconia dental implants

Zirconia dental implants are known as non-metal, ceramic implants. Because the substance has no harm to the human body, zirconia implants are often recommended for people prone to allergic reactions. The new generation of zirconia implants is one of the safest, most reliable, and durable dental restoration methods. Zirconium dental implants are durable and look more natural. Because Zirconium does not release any allergic particles to the body, this method of implantation is strongly recommended for allergy-prone patients.

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Still have questions?

Whether you have questions about procedure, waiting time or compatibility with your insurance - call us and we will help you!