In human life, choices await at every turn. We choose whether to invest in a new home or a car. Maybe it is more about spending money on a long-awaited and well-deserved holiday, or maybe it is about our children’s education. Unfortunately, we often forget to think about the most important investment of all – our health. Although healthy lifestyles are increasingly promoted in society, the focus is on healthy eating and sport, but not on preventive health screening and the treatment of long-standing health problems. At the same time, teeth are often neglected. Although many people associate them only with appearance and aesthetics, they do not even think about how it must feel to be unable to bite into an apple, to have to watch that food is not too hard, too tough or too big. And while healthy, beautiful teeth are an important part of an aesthetic appearance, helping you to feel confident, to communicate more freely and to be socially active, teeth are important for the health of the whole body.
Teeth – not just for beauty
The human body is a harmonious system that gets its energy from food. And teeth are a particularly important part of the digestive system. Food will not be absorbed properly if it is not properly chewed first – this requires all or at least most of the teeth. If even a few teeth fall out, we can no longer bite down or chew food properly. Over time, the stomach becomes compromised and is unable to process coarse food, which can eventually lead to serious stomach problems.
Discomfort in the mouth is the first problem after the loss of one tooth, but even facial features change with the loss of more teeth. As the jaws atrophy, the chin protrudes forward, the cheeks bulge and muscle tone decreases. If the front teeth fall out, the features change dramatically. The lips become as if they were too large, the wrinkles of the nose, lips and chin become plump and deep, and the proportions of the face are distorted. These facial changes make a person look older. Sudden external aging certainly disturbs a person’s psychological state. The person stops smiling, avoids talking and generally withdraws from social life.
“It is important to understand that teeth are an integral part of a person’s physical and psychological well-being. If we lose them, not only our health is threatened, but also our full social life,” says Simonas Bankauskas, an implantologist and owner of the CLINIC | DPC network of dental clinics.
We only think about our teeth when they are broken
Sadly, people usually only think about their teeth when they start to hurt or fall out. But bigger problems can be avoided simply by paying more attention to basic dental hygiene and periodic preventive check-ups. Of course, some people’s dental health is worse than others’, or their dental health deteriorates significantly due to pregnancy or certain diseases, but in many cases the problems are caused by negligence and a lack of attention to oneself and one’s health.
“We stress to our patients that professional oral hygiene and preventive check-ups are the first step towards healthier teeth. Why? Simply because a professional oral hygienist can detect the initial negative changes in the teeth and oral cavity and inform both the patient and the doctor about the need for a thorough examination,” says Dr. S. Bankauskas.
Correcting old mistakes
Although the number of people in Lithuania who are taking care of their health and investing in their well-being is slowly increasing, some problems are persistent or caused by previous treatment methods. In the past, few people tried to save decayed teeth. A broken tooth is a toothache. And what is there to regret? But after all, teeth no longer grow back, and the loss of a few teeth results in significant changes in chewing ability, deformed facial contours, impaired speech mechanism – people start to sniffle, whistle involuntarily, spit, and it becomes very difficult to pronounce certain sounds. In such cases, serious dental restoration procedures have to be undertaken.
New treatment methods
“We can actually be happy that people who have lost their teeth no longer have to suffer as much as before. And there is a wider and better choice of treatment methods and systems. The world’s leading and most effective method of tooth restoration so far is the so-called All-on-4 method. This technique makes it possible to restore a single jaw on four implants, even in very difficult clinical situations. It avoids complex, time-consuming bone grafting procedures. This is very important because bone grafting is a very tedious process for the patient. Immediately after the dental implant procedure, temporary teeth are placed, which perfectly serve as real teeth for the entire healing period, so that patients are able to chew immediately after the procedure,” says the implantologist.
Usually, after half a year, the patient comes back to have permanent teeth placed, which are no different from natural teeth and their appearance, so the person does not feel any discomfort when smiling or communicating.
CLINIC | DPC implant surgeon S. Bankauskas does not hide his joy when a happy patient leaves the clinic. “It is hard to put into words the feeling when, thanks to your work, a person regains the joy of life. When a patient leaves the clinic and smiles broadly at the people around them, giving them great emotions. To be part of such a seemingly simple miracle is a great happiness and an incentive to improve, to make people’s investment in their health more rewarding.”
Special offers for dental implants
If you have lost one or more teeth, a full restoration is ONLY €1199.
The offer includes a Swedish Nobel Biocare implant with a zirconium crown (using a standard abutment), and a free temporary crown or healing head.
Restoration of one dental arch of one jaw using the “All-on-4” method – ONLY €3999.
The offer includes a non-removable denture temporary bridge on four Swedish Nobel Biocare implants.
Permanent dentures in 6 months at a special price of only €1699.
GIFT – free consultation and treatment plan when treatment is carried out in any of the CLINIC | DPC clinics.
Offer valid 01.10.2021 – 30.11.2021
For more information, see the website, tel. +370 632 00005, e-mail. E-mail [email protected].