The human body is a harmonious system that gets its energy from food. Therefore, our well-being, including our dental health, depends to a large extent on what we eat. Numerous scientific studies have shown that a poor diet, the consumption of sweets and other unhealthy products, contributes to tooth decay and other problems. Therefore, a balanced and healthy diet is essential for healthy and beautiful teeth.
Dental health and carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are divided into two parts, simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates include glucose, fructose and galactose. When we consume large amounts of simple carbohydrates, an acidic environment develops in the mouth and tooth decay occurs more quickly.
This does not mean that eating high-fructose fruit and vegetables is bad for your teeth. In fact, artificially sweetened products with high sugar content are the most dangerous.
Sugar is considered a major enemy of the teeth because carbohydrates settle and stick to the surface of the tooth. The acidic environment in the mouth and the various food residues create favorable conditions for bacterial growth. Eventually, tooth decay occurs.
Therefore, in addition to good oral hygiene, it is important to eat a healthy and nutritious diet to enjoy healthy and beautiful teeth. Here are the basic rules to follow.
Avoid these products if you want healthy teeth:
- – Sweets. Sugar creates an acidic environment in the mouth that favors bacteria and promotes tooth decay.
- – Soft drinks. They contain high levels of sugar, which creates a favorable environment for tooth decay, and coloring agents, which can change the color of enamel.
- – Potato chips, crackers These products are high in starch, and studies show that starch also contributes to tooth decay. In addition, starch stays on the surface of the teeth for a long time.
- – Dried fruit. Dates, raisins and dried bananas contain about 10% fructose, i.e. fruit sugar. Like ordinary sugar, it contributes to tooth decay. Dried fruit is not dangerous when consumed in moderation.
Enrich your diet with the following products:
- – Leaf lettuce. Chewing deposits microscopic particles on the surface of your teeth, which help fight bacteria. In addition, if you eat kale, lettuce, spinach and sorrel, it is easier for your body to absorb the calcium needed for strong teeth.
- – Dairy products. They are rich in calcium, which is the main building material for dental bone.
- – Water. Researchers have found that not drinking enough water doubles the risk of developing oral diseases or tooth decay.
- – Strawberries. Various berries are rich in trace elements that are good for the teeth. However, the acid in strawberries also whitens them.
- – Products containing fluoride. Walnuts, sardines, sprats, caviar and pig’s liver are all high in fluoride. This element is good for the teeth as it strengthens tooth enamel.
Follow these dietary tips and you will not only enjoy healthier teeth, but also better physical well-being. Stay healthy and strong!